A agreable way to discover Baltic States of Nordeuropa…

Latvian Blonde Festival
In 2009 the Latvian economy was in crisis, they needed a distraction from every day life to boost their morale. Enter the Latvian Blonde Association! Led by former Mrs. Universe Marika Gederte, the Latvian Blonde Association decided to take action and held their first annual parade of the Blondes through the main square in Riga.

This attracted HUGE publicity worldwide and it most certainly lifted the spirits of the people of Latvia. They also raised money to help build a playground for disabled children in Riga which opened in May 2010. The event was so successful they held it again in 2010… it was AWESOME. I was so glad to have experienced it for myself. 2011… it’s happening all over again. Join this page and support Go Blonde and their excellent work for charity and also the great party fun in Riga!

Next time : Saturday 26th of May 2012 in Riga, capital of Latvia.

About nordren

Brandy-Hans van PARIJS is the Community Manager of NordRen - NORDEUROPA RENAISSANCE

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